Blog Post - The Switch and Call to Arms!

 Blog Post - The Switch and Call to Arms!

Long but important post, I would appreciate if you gave it a full read.

Me and my amazing sister enjoying the sun

The first few weeks of lockdown I was floating nicely through the time by staying busy and upbeat. It was easy, idyllic and probably not too different from anyone elses unless they are on a mission to teach themselves Mandarin or in the habit of cracking open a beer at 1pm. In many ways you can’t beat the pure liberation of being able to wake up when you want, having few plans set in stone and being able to do whatever you want with the time you have.

Over the last couple of months, though, my energy had dropped and I had started doing less. It might have been due to boredom, situational fatigue or being stuck in my head more than is healthy. However, it was undeniable that my physical symptoms were no longer slowly creeping up on me. I look drastically different and have lost a lot of weight. A lot. A 20 minute aggressive coughing fit is now part of my morning routine whilst my chest tries to settle itself. It’s nothing that some steroids, morphine, a warm tea to release some steam, an iced drink to settle my throat and time spent dry heaving in front of a fan/bucket won’t eventually sort out, but it can get really distressing - like an intrinsic panic response. It isn’t an ideal start to the day, and I’m also exhausted by the time I am back to feeling more human.

Because of this change, I contacted the palliative care team who measured the oxygen levels in my blood. Apparently it is normal when I am stationary (~95 for biology nerds) but it drops as soon as I stand (~70 almost instantaneously). The result is that I now rely on supplementary oxygen. It felt like another part of my independence being taken away but the reality has been that it gives me some freedom back. 

In late June, I went to hospital for a checkover. One concern I had was something called abdominal distention which gives me a noticeable pregnant appearance with an extended stomach and the constant need to burp (for that image, you’re welcome). The good news is that it turned out to not be what they had thought - an indication of advanced liver disease. However, they said it is caused by the tumour burden in my torso which is displacing numerous organs and causing some issues with internal pressure. This good news was tempered by the reality that the only way my illness would resolve itself is if the tumour shrinks - pretty impossible at this point. 

Then, out of the blue, I was told I am finally suitable for the drug trial in Germany. 

Yep, the one mentioned to me back in August last year. In even better news, COVID meant I could receive the treatment in London. The oncologists made it very clear to me that this would not be a ‘silver bullet’ and the goal would be to extend life by a few months and then, ideally, quality of life in that time if the treatment halts the cancer in stealing all the nutrients and energy my body really needs. A treatment which had been a year in the waiting was finally coming.

Physically though, by this point, I was really struggling. The loneliness of COVID was making me miserable and I needed company. My sister came to the rescue at just the right time. When she moved in she found a flat full of awful food. She really is the greatest sister ever and her moving back in couldn’t have been a second too soon. .

But there was still the lifeline of this German drug trial - I may as well throw all my cards in. At this point I was not in the same healthy position I had entered other treatments; by this point I was extremely short on breath, unable to exercise, extremely weak and feeling too lethargic to socialise. After pinning my hopes on this idea for so long, it took just 10 days for it to batter me. My days involved moving from my room to the sofa, feeling like I had flu and the mental fog that so often accompanies chemotherapy. And almost immediately I realised I just couldn’t do it. Life for me is about living, not just clocking up the years. Even if the possibility of the chemo kept me going, this was no life to be having. Just a shell of who I was. 

I realised that it was just too little too late. The chance of the chemo working was about 50% of keeping it stable for a few additional months and I knew at that point it just wasn’t for me. If it had kept me in the same physical shape I was in during my trip to Colombia, or even when I wrote the Guardian article, there was a strong argument for giving it a go and perhaps being one of the fortunate ones who responds well to the treatment, but I was so miserable by this point that I couldn’t do anything - read, write, talk, make meaningful conversation. 

I realised I had to finally accept the inevitable, fully, and there was no treatment. I thought this mindset would leave me feeling completely liberated. I was wrong. With no fights left to fight, it really was just waiting and the battle became emotional and mental. I thought I’d be prepared for that. I was wrong.

The first three decades of my life were pretty standard in regards to how things developed. Well, actually they were awesome, and everything was going pretty perfectly with regards to work, health, relationships, and friends. Maybe I was coming to the end of this cycle of my life but one which was full of festivals, ticking off the world's most beautiful places, doing some solo travelling. Big plans for the future too - learn some spanish and then see a bit more of central America and get a bit more out of it with some volunteering. I was always interested in personal growth so doing that in line in line with charity style projects seems perfect.  

My 30s were for more of the same and possibly some settling down for the usually hectic 40s and 50s with kids, mortgage etc. Nobody can plan for life, and I’m not sure that is exactly what I wanted. My friend’s children would call me ‘uncle’ as the parents gathered in the kitchen looking slightly concerned that a single 45 year old was more interested in travelling around Mongolia than settling down. But growing older with my mates and living my life to the full was always part of this nice comfortable plan.

The second half of this storyline will not pan out for me. I feel like half of my planned story arc is unfinished and it's a shame that I don’t get to see where it goes. But everybody dies, and I really can’t but think I’ve given life a good shot.

There will always be places and experiences missing from anyone’s bucket list - the world has too much beauty and adventure to ever complete one. I will miss those things that I had mentioned - marriage or children, blossoming careers and lives moving on. But I’m not alone in my life being cut short, and I think my life has been a pretty successful one. I hope that I’ve made a difference to the lives of those I’ve met and continue to bring joy and happiness. Regardless of whether the above is true and my life would be defined as ‘successful’, it has no real bearing on whether I’m allowed to enjoy a few days of sitting and doing very little, not beating myself up over anything I should be doing. From reading Stoicism and Buddhism I know the way to try and tackle this period /life in general is to accept what you can control and learn how to let the rest just happen. It is just very hard to remember this sometimes. Sometimes it is hard living up to it. But I know it’s something we should all try hard to remember.

An apology to my friends (I don’t think it would be a blog post if I don’t include one!). The rut I found myself in a few weeks back hasn’t lifted and I’m dealing with a whole plethora of emotions right now. I’ve definitely been ‘feeling the victim’ a lot more than usual and not only has it been awful for own mindset as but I think in regard to my own mood and letting people know what I’m capable of right now. For whatever reason I havn't been focused on general life in the last few weeks, just myself. My acceptance that my time and energy is now limited also comes with the acceptance that I won’t be able to catch you all properly to give our relationships the time and appreciation it deserves. I get so many messages from you all which often exceed the energy I have to reply, and I’ve instead been trapped in my own head and uninterested in the world that exists outside it. This not only has been awful for me but also made out as if I am unavailable. I’m definitely NOT unavailable, although will have to change plans last minute sometimes based on energy etc and also have to think about lots of things before some pretty simple trips (e.g. wheelchairs, how flammable the environment is, phone, wallet, the usual) but I want to see as much of you all as possible. COVID is as destructive as ever but I guess we’ll work our way around it. Also, if I had seen you I would have been really self involved anyway.

Where I am able to see people, I'd just say keeping me company and positive and upbeat is definitely my primary goal. I want fun, laughter, happiness, joy. I’ve put some of the sources below because I found them helpful myself in learning about the dying process, and what it is like for the person that’s ill and the people around them. I think it’s very possible to have this kind of death - there will likely be a shadow of sadness hanging over proceedings, but for the most part I want everyone relaxed and it being one big love fest :)

I haven't asked for a specific prognosis as I think there isn’t much to gain from asking all the time and putting everyone through that horrible question. Saying that, I think it is roughly weeks to months, possibly 4-12 weeks if I was to guess. But I know roughly what it’s going to be and medicine has luckily turned this into quite a gentle process. That really does take a lot of the fear away. The battle now is how to deal with the period in between. I’ve always been hyper motivated to make the most of every second and you’d think that maximising each moment before dying would be something I’d be a professional at by now. But it's not something you can read in a book and I’m going to have to do it the hard way - learn one day at a time, make mistakes, and hope that you come out having more good days than bad. 

I want to repeat how this period since being diagnosed has been made not just bearable but actually fantastic. I’ve created genuine new moments that haven't seemed tainted by cancer - and these experiences are, as usual, much better shared. They are nothing without other people. It’s all been because of the support from friends and family. In a situation which is pretty new for most people (I am yet to meet anyone I grew up with who has had to deal with cancer or a similar chronic illness at my age), I don’t know if I just know a high proportion of amazing people (possible) or if humans tend to be the same (also very likely). 

So I guess as a trailblazer I can act like the wise old sage and give some of the information back. Cancer has given me the opportunity to think about my views on the world, leaving me with a series of reflections which I think are worth sharing from my 31 years of life (I’m hoping impending death now grants me the licence to sound prematurely wise and overly grandiose).

After the gut punch of cancer diagnosis, I’ve really struggled to define a purpose for my own life. I found in time this came naturally. Life is for enjoyment. Make of it what you can. In April, I published an article on the Guardian hoping to offer some perspective to those struggling in lockdown. The amount of people I seemed to inspire was well beyond what I imagined. I realised my biggest contribution is that I can inspire. I am not someone who will row around the world, I’ll leave that to the really special people. What I’m really leaving is the ‘inspiration’ aspect - the charities that people donate to will be the ones doing the heavy lifting. I see any organisation that is set up by me as one that offers support, financial in the form of matching donations made by other people. The technicalities will be worked out later. 

If I was to list 5 value or areas which are think are particularly important to me they would be roughly

  1. The importance of positivity and gratitude - during my worst moments - the shock of cancer diagnosis, the mental lows and debilitating symptoms of chemotherapy - it was difficult to picture any future moments of joy, closeness or love. Yet they happened. If you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain. Take every day as they come.  The positivity to get you through these moments in life is a choice, albeit one which is extremely effortful and requiring a bucket load of faith (and I don’t mean this in the religious sense). During some of my most forlorn moments about the future I was losing, I found solace in remembering what I have - an amazing family, the friends I've made and times I've shared with them, the privilege of the life I've had the fortune to experience. Meditation is useful and gratitude is the philosophy that turns what we already have into enough.

  1. A life, if well lived, is long enough - this can mean different things to different people. This might mean travel. I’ve had the privilege to do this and can confirm that the world is a wonderful place full of moments of awe and amazement - soak in as much as you can. Or this might mean staying active, as much as possible - the human body is a wonderful thing. You only appreciate this when it starts to fail you and physically completing your waking hours becomes a 12-hour long struggle. Amidst the chaos of being in day-to-day autopilot mode - whether that covers work, family, chores - take simple pleasure in movement and look after your body because it’s the only one you have and it’s bloody brilliant. Whatever living well means to you, do it as much as you can. Science has proven that regular exercise is good for your body and mind as well. 

  1. Being vulnerable and connecting to others - we live in a society that prizes capability and independence; two things which cancer often slowly strips away from you. This was naturally a very difficult pill to swallow for a healthy, able late 20 something year old male but needing to allow myself to be vulnerable and accept help was a real eye opener. The acceptance of my vulnerability has given me the best two years of my life which was pretty inconceivable at the time of diagnosis. Firstly, it’s shown to me what a phenomenal person my sister is - words can’t do justice to how much she has done for me. I may not have won the genetic lottery in appearance (2018 was a difficult summer constantly being told that I looked like Dr Alex from Love Island) but I certainly lucked out in the genetic lottery stakes for siblings. And secondly with my friends - what better way is there to spend life than two years surrounded regularly and closely by these people?

  1. Do something for others - against the recent backdrop of COVID-19, Black Lives Matter and the desperate attempts of migrants to cross the English Channel, my thoughts really turned to those who have not had my privilege - whether that’s by virtue of the socioeconomics, ethnicity or the country I was born in. I always try to check my privilege. Charities that focus on helping those into opportunities who might not otherwise get them therefore are ones that will always stick out to me. 

  1. Protecting the planet  - I can't leave this off because it’s so important. Charities or people that have some focus on the natural world and keep at least one eye on it going forward will always hold a place in my heart. 

This is by no means a definite list that will not change but I think that these 5 are pretty rocksteady choices, I hope you agree! I also want to stress that I’m not limiting my support to cancer charities. Whilst many of these do an amazing job - Trekstock for example - but places like the centre ‘National Inpatient Centre for Psychological Medicine’ (to pluck a random one that may or may not have done wonders to help my friend...) definitely fit the category.


I don’t think any of the 5 above are particularly surprising but if I was to have a particularly ‘vision’ for how I’d like to see improvements in the world, they stick out to me right now.

I find myself in a position where people are asking me how they can help or what they can do that would make me happy. Apart from the obvious - looking after each other during the period after I’ve gone and helping with the grieving - I’m gonna push for people to really give to charity. I’ve already had so many people ask which charities I recommend and there are loads but I’d say one’s that align with the ‘values’ above then I’d be delighted. Some people have already started setting up events which sounds incredible and I’d love to do a shoutout for as much as possible!

Going forward, if this gets any traction, there has been talk from family and friends about setting up an official ‘Foundation Trust/Legacy’. I’m going to take advantage of the clout I’ve got at the moment and strike whilst the iron’s hot. 

The ravaging impact of cancer

So this is a call to arms! 

I would love it if all events you guys are doing in the near future were given a shout out to the fact that this is being set up and all that are will be given a shoutout in return to try and boost the coffers. My friends and family going forward will be in control of turning this into more of a legitimate thing but for now, lets just raise some money! I want to see a huge range of activities, but whatever is in your capability!

I'm sure there is a reason why you are doing an event to raise money - whether it’s for me or someone else, and it would be great to hear on your donation page what inspired you, as well as including a shoutout to us so people are aware of what we are trying to do. 


For what it’s worth, during the last few years I’ve set up tree planting events to try and get people outdoors and socially mobilised. I’ve also tried to live by my own words and kept as active as possible - climbing Table mountain a month after some brutal finishes and I was given just a few months to live and basically doing a huge full on holiday - 2 active safaris. I did the same again in January after that chemo finished, not letting people tell me that my body’s weak state should mean I should rest and really making the most of the energy I had and getting out there to enjoy the sweet planet that we have in front of us. I gymmed throughout the entire period and walked thousands of steps a day without thinking about it.  Money wise, I was gobsmacked to raise almost £5k just by shaving my hair, with help from some friends! I myself will donate at least this amount myself for some of the events happening at the moment to show my financial commitment. But what the legacy is going to do will be much more!

To end the blog I’ll keep things positive. Whilst things are really quite hard right now, that is to be expected. Nobody said dying was easy and it's something I’m struggling with. Learning not to be so hard on myself, and to sit back and enjoy each day as it comes, is difficult. But life is a journey and each day is different. Let's enjoy the ride. 

My mates Ed and Sam and their massive walk. Please support :)

If any other events want to be tagged in this post let me know!


  1. An incredible read. You have inspired, you are inspiring, and you will continue to do so xx


    2. I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr ehiaguna rendered to me,I was diagnosed with HSV 2 on July 7, 2018 and I have tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum concerning herbal doctor Dr ehiaguna, who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases/Infection including Herpes Simplex virus Type 2, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email: He assured me of a cure, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me instructions on how to use it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus within 14 days of usage,he told me to go for a medical check up and i went for test, I couldn't believe i was negative and the HERPES VIRUS in my body got cured, I and my family are so happy and grateful to God for using Dr ehiaguna to Liberate me. Reach Out to this great herbal doctor via his email : you can also reach him on WhatsApp +2348073908953 God bless you

    3. Thank you for all ......

      His herbal syrup is a life changer..

      Got rid of the Herpes simplex.

      This Dr. can help Win back ur EX


  2. I've been hoping you would have another post, thank you for sharing. You are inspiring more people than you know!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing and for your inspiring words. Much love

    1. I was diagnose  COPD and emphysema, and before I received herbal prescription from multivitamin herbal cure, it was affecting my day-to-day activities. For example, I wasn’t able to get dressed in the morning without reaching for my oxygen. Difficulties with small things like this also caused me to hesitate over going out to do errands or have dinner.
      All that changed in December 2018 after I received my herbal treatment at  I  can now leave the house without bringing my oxygen concentrator along. I also noticed that my wheezes less, and my attitude has become much more positive. I  even gained back my weight and improved my daily activities. I’m a strong advocate for other chronic lung disease patients seeking help from multivitamin herbal remedies and says, “What they’ve done for me and my life, it’s been almost a miracle.”

    2. Works very Fast,

      Fast and reliable solution..

      I was cured from Herpes with herbal med..

      Contact him for Relationship/marital problem,

      He will bring back your Lover..

      He will give you the best..

      Thanks to robinsonbucler (@gmail com)

  5. Shout out from India, Elliott! Its been an honor to get to know you! Thank you for continuing to inspire with your courage and authenticity ! You will live on in the hearts you have inspired! Much love to youπŸ’–

  6. Dear Elliot, I don’t know if we can comprehend our mortality. It seems too difficult for us to truly grasp. Your writing is a beautiful and generous gift of your time and of yourself to so many others. I will make a donation for you, and keep thinking of you. Wishing you much joy and peace.

  7. Elliot thank you so much for taking time to keep up this blog. I check back almost daily hoping to see a new post. You have such a unique perspective on life and even though we never met you have single handedly changed how I think about life. I pray that I will have the same attitude towards difficult situations as you do (not likely!).

  8. I know there is a sad tone to the text, but I couldn't help but laugh at some parts of it, your wit and sense of humour are definitely showing. It's bittersweet.
    I will always remember you and your story, Elliot.
    Hope this comment was able to put a smile on your face as well. Sending love and positivity from Brazil <3

  9. You’re an excellent writer and a true inspiration. Thanks for letting us into your world - a wise man indeed! Talia (Annabel’s friend) xxxxx

  10. Hi Elliot, I don't know what to say but I just want you to know that you've made an impact on my life, you write so openly and honestly about your situation.

  11. Elliot, I read your articles in the Guardian. If you want to chat with a total stanger, my number is +491715255333. Thorsten Wulff.

  12. Hi Elliot. Just read your article in today’s Guardian. I too have incurable cancer, diagnosed for second time 7 years ago. I have a limited prognosis. Thank you for your honesty and thoughts about what is important in living ones life and I wholeheartedly agree. My own philosophy is summed up in 4 words. Explore, Experience, Creat and Connect. I wish you well for the next few weeks and months.

  13. Shout out from Utah, U.S. Your 'prematurely wise' insights are definitely worth reading/implementing. I was fortunate to celebrate my 41st birthday this weekend and the most important part I enjoyed was my health so I could enjoy my family and pay the mortgage. Thank you for keeping that in perspective for all. I'm a God-fearing man and I know this life is temporary so then there's that. Much love and respect!

  14. Thank you for allowing us to get to know you; you are one incredible person. I have learned a lot from you. Thank you too for your candor. Wishing you nothing but warmth and peace.

  15. Hi Eliot,

    I never had the chance to meet you in person, but I bet I would have a lot to learn from you. You have really left an impression on me with your articles. I wish you warmth and peace and you are lucky of having the loved ones around you. Greetings from Romania.

  16. If you would interested in talking about what happens after this life is over, I would be glad to talk to you! Thank lease take care

  17. Hello Elliot. I saw your article in the Guardian and I was deeply moved. Thank you for such sage advice and your thoughtfulness in spite of your own pains and struggles. You are such an inspiration and I pray that in the coming days God grant you peace and grace. I pray that you would call out to Him in your weakest moments because His compassions never fails. Love from New York

  18. I've been so moved by your journey, Elliot. There are no words to soften the pain you must feel, but just know that there are thousands out there who have been impacted by your strength and resilience. Be well, my friend.

  19. Thank you for sharing your beautiful insight Elliott. Your words have truly touched my heart- you are an amazing writer.
    I find your perspective inspiring and aim to incorporate your values into my everyday life.
    I appreciate you allowing us all this special glimpse into your journey of life.
    Sending you all the love and peace...

  20. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:9-10. I am praying now for you to be healed. Just now that God loves you.

  21. Hi Elliot:

    I read your article today, and it is amazing. Thank you for your inspiration, thank you for your beautiful work.

    I will light a candle for you. May you have peace. May you feel love. May your memory be eternal.

  22. Elliot, thank you for sharing your personal insights and encouragement in the midst of your circumstances. I saw that someone already posted John 3:16 and about the hope we have in Jesus for the life beyond this one. I didn’t see you make mention of faith or God in your Guardian article but if you haven’t connected with Him please know Jesus came and died and rose again for you and for me and for everyone who accepts his gift of forgiveness of sins and eternal life. You can learn more and chat with someone at and put your faith in Christ today to receive eternal life. Jesus is the real deal.

  23. What I pray for you, Elliot, is PEACE in the time that you have left. Do I believe that everybody has an appointed time? Not really. I think we live in a world filled with pain, sickness, and terrible evils that cut beautiful young lives like your own tragically short. I don’t believe that you dying so young was in any grand cosmic plan, but I do believe that there exists a God of Love at the center of all the pain and chaos. Maybe if you open yourself up to him during your meditations, you will feel his warmth. Maybe you already have.

    If you cannot tell, I do have a Christian faith, and I believe in a Savior who took on all the suffering, pain, and sin in this world, died in order to overcome it, and rose again so that we too could experience the wonder of Resurrection. Christians such as myself sometimes do a poor job of loving others like Jesus in this world, and any religious institution has its imperfections, but there is something about Jesus that keeps me grounded in Him. That something is pure Love. It is the promise of New Life and the triumph over Death. What I love most about the Bible is that it points us ultimately to Jesus. Jesus and the Resurrection that he embodies is the point of everything—it is the hope that life can follow death. What I love about my faith is that death does not have the final say. Every time death rears its ugly head, Life and Love show up to steal its thunder.

    I’m not going to quote scripture to you or try to get you to say a few magic words so that “you’re saved and in the club.” What I’m just going to share with you is a truth that has shaken me to my core due to its overwhelming simplicity.


    Period. No qualifiers. No extra burdensome theology. Wherever you have felt love at work in your life, God was there. It’s not about religion at all. It’s not about attending church or doing this or not doing that. Wherever and however God’s Love finds us, he is inviting us to follow. Make even the tiniest of nods in his direction, and the Father will come running in reckless abandon to you. Creation itself testifies to the reality of the Resurrection that Jesus promised. Dead seeds are planted in the ground only to burst up in new life. The cold dead of winter gives way to abundant spring. Crops wither and then grow again. To quote a line from Jurassic Park, “Life finds a way.” Even a way through cancer.

    I see life is finding a way in your own story as well. I call that way Jesus and God. You can call it whatever you like. I believe it’s the same reality—the Same Person—regardless. But the important thing is that you allow yourself to bask in it. Reach out to this Love that you feel the next time you are meditating. Open yourself to the possibility of Resurrection, and embrace that hope for yourself. Accepting death is important, but my prayer for you is that you can accept New Life as well.

    I do not believe that your purpose is finished yet, my friend. I believe that there are yet greater heights of love, peace, and inspiration for you to scale. Not only for yourself, but for others who you have come to inspire. And that includes myself. I pray for a peace that floods your soul as you approach your next great Journey. You will know travel again, and you will see wonders beyond what you now have the capacity to take in. Just reach out towards that hope of Resurrection even if this reaching out means little more than the lifting of one exhausted finger. I promise you, my friend, that there is Someone there who will reach back. In fact, it is the same Someone who is holding you now.

  24. I do not know if you are able to consider other options at this point, but over the years I met two people who put their cancer into remission by using Essiac tea, after mainstream medicine had nothing more to offer. In a sense, it's another form of chemotherapy, but using whole herbs that contain bioactive components, instead of isolated "active ingredients." Peace be with you.

  25. Hi Elliot,
    I’ve been following your blog since you started it. You’re so honest about your experience and your feelings. It’s not often you see that from guys, so thank you. I don’t have a way with words like you, so it’s hard to know what to write. We actually used to work at the NAO together although we’ve never met - I wish we had. You’re in my thoughts a lot. Xx

  26. Hi Elliot, I came across your article on The Guardian and decided to reach out to you. I consider you, and every human, as a part of myself and I felt your pain. We come from different cultures, but I would request you to watch this video and the man's words with an open mind. If you find them to be sensible, please try your hand at the Kriya available as well.

  27. Thank you for your share. You are amazing. God bless you all.

  28. Hey Elliot- you are a real inspiration to many and it seems the world, a place you love, is with you sending you much positive vibes. So i want to say thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey. You are not alone. keep taking care, and a big shoutout for your sister! Take good care. Patrice from Florida

  29. Dear Elliot, I’ve been moved by your testimony and felt how loved you are by so many people.
    I can't help but say that you are fully known and truly loved by God. I pray that you may seek his presence, even like a curious child. Certainly God will answer you and free you from your fears and concerns.
    Much love from Michigan, U.S.

  30. Elliot, I have just read your piece on the Guardian and have shared it on Twitter. You are an incredible writer and your wisdom is inspiring. I am wishing you all the peace and calm in the world. Ellie

  31. Elliot,

    If you don’t mind, I would like to give you an inspirational quote of the day with the hopes that it will offer some encouragement.

    The first one is from Les Miserables:

    “Even the darkest night will end, and the Sun will rise.”

    When it comes to dark nights, my friend, I can think of none darker than the one you are facing now. Though you see little rays of light and shining stars every now and then, it must seem like the night itself will go perpetually on.

    But I promise you, Elliot, that the Sun is coming. The morning will dawn, and it will be the most glorious sunrise ever. It will take an imagination far greater than you or I possess now to fully appreciate it, but when the time comes, you will stand in awe before its splendor.

    The world will look young again. You’ll feel young again. Brand new. You’ll see rich colors the likes of which you’ve never seen before. The word cancer will seem like a foreign concept. You may be able to vaguely recall hearing about cancer at one point in time, but it’ll seem newly vague and inconsequential to who you will be then.

    Just as the cycle of day and night is a continual testament to the reality of the light triumphing over darkness, you will see that Resurrection likewise ensures that life swallows up death. It does not stay night. What is dead does not stay dead. Light and Life find a way.

    Can you see the faint glimpses of the new morning peeking out from behind all the storm clouds? There is a far better reality above than the one that you can now see, and there is a loving Father—and his loving Son—that calls you home. Just trust that the Sunrise is coming. Believe the morning will dawn even when the darkness is suffocating.

    Bask in its glow, my friend. Just let it warm you and fill you with new strength. Just rest.

  32. Elliot,

    If you don’t mind, I would like to give you an inspirational quote of the day with the hopes that it will offer some encouragement.

    The first one is from Les Miserables:

    “Even the darkest night will end, and the Sun will rise.”

    When it comes to dark nights, my friend, I can think of none darker than the one you are facing now. Though you see little rays of light and shining stars every now and then, it must seem like the night itself will go perpetually on.

    But I promise you, Elliot, that the Sun is coming. The morning will dawn, and it will be the most glorious sunrise ever. It will take an imagination far greater than you or I possess now to fully appreciate it, but when the time comes, you will stand in awe before its splendor.

    The world will look young again. You’ll feel young again. Brand new. You’ll see rich colors the likes of which you’ve never seen before. The word cancer will seem like a foreign concept. You may be able to vaguely recall hearing about cancer at one point in time, but it’ll seem newly vague and inconsequential to who you will be then.

    Just as the cycle of day and night is a continual testament to the reality of the light triumphing over darkness, you will see that Resurrection likewise ensures that life swallows up death. It does not stay night. What is dead does not stay dead. Light and Life find a way.

    Can you see the faint glimpses of the new morning peeking out from behind all the storm clouds? There is a far better reality above than the one that you can now see, and there is a loving Father—and his loving Son—that calls you home. Just trust that the Sunrise is coming. Believe the morning will dawn even when the darkness is suffocating.

    Bask in its glow, my friend. Just let it warm you and fill you with new strength. Just rest.

  33. Beautiful and inspiring. We all need this reminder that every breath we take is special despite the challenge life throws at us.Thinking of you and sending warmth and love to you and your family and friends.


    Source: Unknown

    “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.”

    Elliot, I’m sure there must be days when you can probably relate very well with that little caterpillar. Everything seems to be changing in a way that seems final, bleak, and hopeless. You cannot imagine what it would be like to be beyond the chrysalis of cancer’s embrace. You dream of soaring with the wings of a Monarch, but sometimes it’s hard to see past the empty cocoon looming ahead.

    When you think about it, butterflies really are so much cooler than caterpillars. Caterpillars spend their whole lives moving very slowly, and they are vulnerable to an alarming number of potential threats and vexations. But butterflies now . . . Butterflies have it made! They shed their dead shells behind them and soar through the summer skies without a care in the world. Whereas caterpillars are rather dull and unremarkable, butterflies command the attention and admiration of all who witness their fluttering fancies.

    The butterfly is superior in every way to the caterpillar, but the caterpillar may not always be aware of that. All the trembling, exhausted, and vulnerable caterpillar can often see in the distance is the bleak chrysalis that threatens to be his tomb. But what looks to the uninformed eye as a final resting place is in actuality a catalyst for evolution and healing change. The cocoon—and the death that it represents—is actually the first step towards a fuller and more satisfying life than ever before.

    Dare to see past the cocoon ahead, my friend. Ahead lies wings and healing, sunlight and peace. Trust in this promise of Resurrection that even the insect world testifies to. Put your antennae out and be receptive to the gentle caress of your loving Savior who made such resurrection possible in the first place. Let your love and the loving expressions of those around you be your wings. Be excited, little caterpillar. Your great metamorphosis into a regal Monarch is a promise you can rely on. This Change will come for all of us at different times, but it will always come. We can enjoy and cherish every moment as we inch along as a caterpillar, but let us never forget that we are destined ultimately to fly.

  35. Hi Elliot,

    Some fond memories of living together in Streatham - good gigs, your near constant diet of spinach (#gains) and our landlady’s daughter’s crush on you. Your story has deeply affected me and I want to say thank you for sharing it - who knew you were such a good writer too eh?! It’s wonderful to hear you reflect on your life and reinforce the principles that I know you have always held and lived by.

    Sending love to you and your family,
    Lynsey W

  36. Dear Elliot, You've managed to achieve the impossible; you've brought out the love, kindness and compassion in every person. You've made us better people because your outlook, wisdom, selflessness, bravery, openness, your sweet nature, gifted intellect and very being has rubbed off on us all. I've followed your blog and you, your sister, mum and dad, have been in my thoughts every single day. I hope you can bask in the feeling of love you have generated, not just from those that know you personally, but from complete strangers around the world, who have been moved by your writing. Just pure love to you and yours xxx Thank you for teaching me the value of being vulnerable, connection, and that experiences are always better shared <3

  37. Hi Elliot. Came across this randomly while taking a break from my working day. I have to say how beautiful and inspiring your writing is about your journey. Thank you for sharing your story with the world, as I know may not have been easy. Sending you love, light & strength from Ireland xxx

  38. Thanks for sharing your experience. I did distance reiki healing on you via your photo in the piece — hope it helps. Happy to do more (

  39. Hi Elliot. i saw your article in the Daily Mail (shhh! i know). you are inspirational. i do hope you know that. i am in the United States and just wanted you to know that my heart goes out to you and your family. i wish i'd have found your blog earlier. xoxo

  40. rest in peace elliot. Joan from Nairobi


    Source: The Walking Dead

    “I like what a father said to his son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said "I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire, which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father's before me. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it for a moment now and then—and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it."

    Hey Elliot, I’m a huge Walking Dead fan, and that’s where I got the inspiration for this day’s encouraging quote. When a person finds himself in a place where he is facing potential death on a daily basis, there is a tendency to perhaps become hyper-focused on time. I remember my own beloved family members as they struggled with cancer. They felt this overwhelming need to do something significant and meaningful every day. On some days where they just felt like resting, they would often feel deflated at the end of it because they felt like they needed to use that precious time for better purposes.

    I can only imagine how much this hyper-focus on time can consume a person who is diagnosed with potentially terminal cancer. Cancer patients are concerned intensely with what the prognosis is. Do they have six months? A year? How long would this or that treatment prolong the duration even more? At what cost? Then come the bucket lists. Once a timeframe is produced for the remainder of a person’s life, efforts are continually made to try and take this precious resource of time and make the most of it. People—and not just cancer warriors—believe that the more they can control time, the happier and more fulfilled they will be.

    But the problem with this mentality is that it can be rather exhausting even for people who are not battling a relentless illness in the process. These admittedly well-intended efforts to constantly remember time and not lose track of any ticking minute on the clock sometimes fall short of giving a person the peace he is looking for. All their efforts to conquer time usually leaves them in a place where they are running around in circles, unable to simply rest in a moment and enjoy a quiet sunrise. There’s always more that they could have—should have—done differently. Courageous individuals like you, Elliot, are already in the fight of their lives. They don’t need that extra burden.

    But there are those blessed moments in life where time can be forgotten for just a little while. Maybe in those moments you’re spending time with people you deeply care about, laughing and crying and reminiscing. Maybe you get absolutely consumed by a compelling story—be it in a movie or a book. Maybe in some moments you find yourself thinking about engaging subjects that actually have nothing at all to do with cancer or timetables. Those are the moments where we often get the least accomplished. We don’t cross anything off a bucket list, but we achieve something far more precious. We transcend this weary cycle of time that we are caught up in, and just for a few fleeting moments we touch the timelessness of Eternity.

    So, my dear Elliot, if in the coming days ahead you find yourself lost in a moment where you lose track of time, rejoice! Let it go and just bask in those little oases of eternity. Give up trying to conquer time in those moments and allow yourself to be conquered by a Peace that is beyond time itself. Have a great day, my friend. May the seconds and minutes and hours of this day not distract you from the timeless joy of simply forgetting time.


  42. Elliot, I’m sure we all have times when we ask “‘What IS the point of our lives?” Having found myself on a number of occasions during my life, asking myself that question I concluded that the measure of our lives is the positive influence we have, or have had, on others over our lifetimes. And by that I mean from our closest family members, to a stranger in the street. And those influences can be big, or small, fulfilled in a moment or over a period of time. I hope you know that in writing your blog, you have touched the souls of many who may not otherwise have benefited from your wise and insightful words.
    I will be thinking of you in the days and weeks ahead and sending vibes across the ethers for emotional and mental peace and calm and lots of uplifting moments with loved ones. Thoughts also with your sister and parents.

  43. Rest in love and hope Elliot.
    You've lit a fire under my arse (in the best way possible) as a 28yo to live my life well and make the damn most of it during my time of uncertainty.

    Will be revisiting this blog and your words for a few weeks to come and maybe even years ahead to remind me of those important truths you've captured in here. Love to your sister and parents mate.

    Sending so much aroha (love) from New Zealand

  44. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are Clara David I’m a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is Sandra David I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. I decided to search for cancer cure so that was how I found a lady called Peter Lizzy. She was testifying  to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the roots and herbs to cure all kinds of disease and the herbal man's email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man @herbalist_sakura for my younger sister's help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in USA, he told me That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or whats app him +2348110114739  you can follow him up on Instagram @herbalist_sakura for the cure, he will help you out with the problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me  or whatsApp +1(440)359-4106  

  45. I was diagnose  COPD and emphysema, and before I received herbal prescription from multivitamin herbal cure, it was affecting my day-to-day activities. For example, I wasn’t able to get dressed in the morning without reaching for my oxygen. Difficulties with small things like this also caused me to hesitate over going out to do errands or have dinner.
    All that changed in December 2018 after I received my herbal treatment at multivitamincare . org  I  can now leave the house without bringing my oxygen concentrator along. I also noticed that my wheezes less, and my attitude has become much more positive. I  even gained back my weight and improved my daily activities. I’m a strong advocate for other chronic lung disease patients seeking help from multivitamin herbal remedies and says, “What they’ve done for me and my life, it’s been almost a miracle.”

  46. Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got my Genital Herpes simplex been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr ubarlo but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr ubarlo, then i contacted him through his email when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he healed me just as he promised. he sent me his medication and ask me to go for check up after one weeks of taking the medication. i agreed with him i took this medication and went for check up a , to my greatest surprise my result was negative after the treatment, i am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3weeks to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. so i guess its time i recommend anyone going through Herpes HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes, Cancer reach him through Email OR add on whatsapp +2348119508814

  47. Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got my Genital Herpes simplex been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr ubarlo but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr ubarlo, then i contacted him through his email when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he healed me just as he promised. he sent me his medication and ask me to go for check up after one weeks of taking the medication. i agreed with him i took this medication and went for check up a , to my greatest surprise my result was negative after the treatment, i am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3weeks to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. so i guess its time i recommend anyone going through Herpes HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes, Cancer reach him through Email OR add on whatsapp +2348119508814

  48. Hey plz share this I'm here to testify on how i was cured from HERPES 1&2 with the use of herbs. I got the herbs from Dr Oseremen and he gave me instructions on how to use it. I took the herbal product for a week and 4days after which i go for a blood test and the result was Negative. I waited for another two months and retested the result was still negative and my doctor told me I'm completely free from herpes1&2 and this Gladys my heart and i wish to share it for the benefit of those living with herpes1&2 to also get the herbs from Dr Oseremen and get cured just like me. You can contact Dr Oseremen on his email: or his phone number and WhatsApp +2349056394313 God bless you

  49. I’m indeed very happy for the great help that Dr ehiaguna rendered to me,I was diagnosed with HSV 2 on July 7, 2018 and I have tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum concerning herbal doctor Dr ehiaguna, who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases/Infection including Herpes Simplex virus Type 2, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email: He assured me of a cure, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me instructions on how to use it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus within 14 days of usage,he told me to go for a medical check up and i went for test, I couldn't believe i was negative and the HERPES VIRUS in my body got cured, I and my family are so happy and grateful to God for using Dr ehiaguna to Liberate me. Reach Out to this great herbal doctor via his email : you can also reach him on WhatsApp +2348073908953 God bless you

  50. My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2014, but was diagnosed in 2016. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Tree of Life Health clinic. It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com ). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. ]

  51. Good day to you all am very happy to write this testimony to the whole world to see the great work of the great man named DR.ehiaguna I was down over since 1year but thank god am here to give this testimony for you all to see the great powers that is hiding on this earth I was once an HSV 2, but thanks to him that help me I was going through internet looking for cure when I see this man name ehiaguna I quickly email him If I can get help to grateful surprise to me he really do according to the post I see on internet this man ask me to provide some necessary things which he should be able to use for my cure, I did what he say and after everything, this man told me that after two weeks I will be cured, after that ending of the weeks i should go for test I did and I was very happy when I see my result but i don’t know how he did it but thank God for bring this man to me am very happy to see myself am HSV negative you can order now and get your cure on email: just call him for quick answer on his number +2348073908953, also contact him on this
    1. HIV / AIDS 2. COPD 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) 5. Hepatitis B
    6. HPV

  52. Hi everyone, 2years ago my doctor told me I was diagnosed with HSV2. I was heart broken, How- ever that same years i found a doctor called Dr ubarlo who helped me to cured the virus with natural herbal treatment per- manently. thanks to Dr ubarlo for his natural herbal treatment that eliminated this virus out in my body forever. his contact of him through Instagram page. for any incur- able virus THESE ARE THE DISEASES CURED BY dr ubarlo 1) HERPES 2) HIV / AIDS 3) lupus 4) CANCER 5) EPILEPSY 6) DIABETES 7) ERECTILE 8) CANCER CURE 9) asthma 10) RIGGING EARS 11) Gout 12) pregnancy 13) Hepatitis ABC 14) Weight loss 15) fibroids you can also contact him on his email or Whatsapp +2348119508814

  53. [ ] I'm here to testify about the great work Dr Ehimare did for me. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the past 5 years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago I came across a testimony of one lady on the internet testifying about a Man called Dr Ehimare on how he cured her from HIV Virus. And she also gave the email address of this man and advise anybody to contact Dr Ehimare for help for any kind of sickness that he would be of help, so I emailed him on ( ) telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! Well i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr Ehimare assured me that i will be cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So - [ ] friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can contact Dr ehimare via email. { }or call or what sapp him on + 1 (267) 691-1087- [ ] DR Ehimare CAN AS WELL CURE THE FOLLOWING DISEASE:-- [ ] HIV/AIDS- [ ] HERPES- [ ] CANCER- [ ] ALS- [ ] cancer - [ ] Diabetes

  54. Thanks to the great Dr Ehimare herbalist doctor that has cured many people of HPV DISEASE today i am here to testify on his wonders on my life. for changing my life for the better after all the frustration of getting cured finally i got introduce to DR.Ehimare for which i believe has a cured after reading all his testimonies. after writing to him. he responded quick to me that i will be cured for my HPV DISEASE once i am able to receive his herbal medicine. afterwards he prepared my herbal cure and sent to me and when i did received it and used it. i was surprised that there was changes going on in my body. behold after using the medicine for the days he assured me that i should go and test myself. and getting there i was found HPV negative, and even the doctor was surprise and told me this can only be a miracle. i'm completely cured today and that happened by the great herbal remedy. contact DR.Ehimare Now on his or his WhatsApp Number::+1 (267) 691-1087

  55. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (Hsv) for the past 2 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Ehimare helped someone in curing his (Hsv) herpes disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just email him on Or whatsapp him via +1 (267) 691-1087

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  57. Am really grateful and thankful for what
    DR OGBEIFUN has done for me and my family. I have be suffering from Lupus for good three years with no solution, the disease almost took my life and because I was unable to work and I was also losing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this great man so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. If you need his help or you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, just email him on..



    WHATSAPP: +2348050680253



    πŸ™πŸ™And get your healing, He also has a cure for other deadly diseases like Herpes, high blood pressure, Hepatitis,

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  60. Anyone in need of help.. you can reach this herbal doctor….I am free from herpes, Thanks to

  61. Hi I'm living testimony that Dr Oliver herbs 🌿 work for herpes cure,I recommend Dr Oliver if you are having challenges with herpes and other health for more. Most especially Herpes (HSV1&2) and HPV.

    Email Or Contact him on WhatsApp. +234 811 049 3039

  62. I hope you get all the positivity Every day is a new opportunity to grow, learn, and shine. Remember that your efforts matter, your kindness makes a difference, and your potential is limitless. Keep believing in yourself and stay positive—good things are coming your way, Keep reading inspirational quotes on

  63. Hi everyone, 2years ago my doctor told me I was diagnosed with HSV2. I was heart broken, How- ever that same years i found a doctor called Dr ubarlo who helped me to cured the virus with natural herbal treatment per- manently. thanks to Dr ubarlo for his natural herbal treatment that eliminated this virus out in my body forever. his contact of him through Instagram page. for any incur- able virus THESE ARE THE DISEASES CURED BY dr ubarlo 1) HERPES 2) HIV / AIDS 3) lupus 4) CANCER 5) EPILEPSY 6) DIABETES 7) ERECTILE 8) CANCER CURE 9) asthma 10) RIGGING EARS 11) Gout 12) pregnancy 13) Hepatitis ABC 14) Weight loss 15) fibroids you can also contact him on his email or Whatsapp +2348119508814

  64. I am here to give my testimony about Dr Ubarlo who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr Ubarlo, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Ubarlo cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr Ubarlo healing herbal cure of all kinds of sickness you may have like
    (1) CANCER,
    (2) DIABETES,
    (3) HIV&AIDS,
    (5) CANCER,
    (6) IMPOTENCE,
    (8) DIARRHEA
    (9) ASTHMA
    (11)COLD SORE
    and mare that are not mentioned here
    . he also cure my friend from cervical cancer. so contact him thruogh his Email address or whatsapp him on +2348119508814


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