
A very late change of plans and surgery is now happening tomorrow morning (12th Jan). It was meant to be later in the month, but availability of surgeons has forced the issue. I’ve had a manic week of tests and x-rays to make sure I’m surgery ready and have been on the game! Imagine a mix between Ari Gold in Entourage and the Bradley Cooper on the Superdrug in Limitless. Thursday and Friday were a lot more chilled out. I’ve never had such open surgery before though, so nerves are kicking in now. Chemotherapy is not fun. At times it can be hell. I’ve been lucky mine has been relatively successful, especially considering the shit odds I was given in June and what I’ve read online. I have also been lucky that the side effects haven’t hit me as hard as they could have. Saying that, it’s only recently I’ve realised how unwell I’ve been at times and again appreciate how good my family have been. I’ve helped myself by taking the right drugs (anti-nausea pills, sleeping pills to he...