Cycle 1, Week 4

Just a quick update, as there's not much to report. The week has gone quite smoothly. Still feeling a fair bit of fatigue but it's manageable and probably a little less than I was feeling a week ago. Dizziness is having less of an impact as well. I am having weekly blood tests to monitor mitotane level (the pill I take), as well as cortisol levels (which are still slightly high) and other hormones (all normal). Results take a week to get back so I've only had one result which was from day 8. Mitotane level was at 5.9, well below the 14 it needs to be at to be at the therapeutic level, but my oncologist said this is expected due to having only just started. Hopefully on Thursday the result from last week will be much higher. The idea is that it reaches 14 by the time I start the next cycle of chemo next Tuesday. I've been keeping myself pretty busy. I went to a gig Friday night, Lambeth County Fayre Saturday, Hampstead Heath outdoor lake on Monday and having a nice (ha...