Cycle 6, Day 17 (scan results)

Quick, informative update as I need to rush to the Tate Modern to try to understand what the hell modern art is all about. I saw the oncologist yesterday and received scan results from Monday. Miraculously the chemo is still having an effect – the main tumour has shrunk to 9.6cm (at the start it was around 16cm, last report was 12cm). The report only gave me one axis this time which was quite bizarre but there we go. Then lung secondaries still seem to have disappeared, and there is no new growth anywhere else. Dr Ross seems very happy to go ahead with surgery and suggested the start of January. So, no more chemo for now, thank God. Hopefully the fatigue will start to lift. I learned that Dr O’Brien, the heavily recommended kidney surgeon, is on jury service for the first half of January. But I rushed around to get an appointment with him anyway just in case. In his alpha-male-surgeon (picture Tod from scrubs but as an English gentleman) way he completely ruled out the f...